How to Start and Run Your Own Online Business in Three Days!
A discussion with Marketing Wiz Daven Michaels
061 - Daven Michaels
Daven Michaels is founder of 123Employee, a Virtual Assistant Company. He has been an entrepreneur since the age of 15. Since then Daven discovered a business formula that has been used to turn multiple diverse business ventures into extremely successful businesses, including a few multiple-million-dollar home runs.
In 2006 Mr. Michaels started 123Employee, a virtual employee center in the Philippines. He started with one employee and today has built a company of over 500 employees. In the same year he started offering high level marketing, business consulting and coaching services.
The desire to help people started in 2009 when a friend suggested that he teach others how to achieve success. This ignited a flame that has grown into a magnificent fire over the years.
His commitment is simple, he’ll help you save money, make more money, grow your business, get your time back and ultimately create the lifestyle you desire.

Talking Points
- 3 Day Master Class Begins September 28
- How to Drive Traffic to Your Business
- Get Your Free Tickets at: – Beginning September 8
- Great Opportunity for Those Starting Out in a New Business
Get Your Free Tickets to The Three Day Masterclass
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John DeBevoise:
Greetings, everyone and welcome to another serving of Bizness Soup Talk Radio. If it’s in business, it’s Bizness Soup. I’m your host, John DeBevoise. I often make reference to business and rodeo. Well, guess what? We are going to let you saddle up onto a great opportunity. We have the man himself, Daven Michaels will be joining us from 123Employee, the virtual assistant company, empowering small business to do big things. Well right here, right now he’s making a worldwide announcement on Bizness Soup. Daven Michaels and Bizness Soup have partnered up and we’re going to be delivering a virtual summit, a three day project that is going to teach you how to drive business to your business, and you can have free tickets too. Saddle up, sit down, and have a seat because Bizness Soup is serving up your business right here at Bizness Soup. Daven, welcome back to Bizness Soup.
Daven Michaels:John, it’s great to be here again with you and your audience.
John DeBevoise:Well, and I understand that you are back in the States because we’re going to be covering the reason why you’re out there in Las Vegas in a few minutes, but you are also the founder of a great outsourcing company known as 123Employee. How did that get started and where did the name come from?
Daven Michaels:I actually was in the music production business. I was very successful in that business and I had a friend, he was very successful and he had a production deal in Asia. And so I started helping him on that project, that put me on that side of the world. And one day we opened up a small shop for customer service for our own company, just our own business. And we had about 10 employees and it was in the early days, and this was about 14 years ago. And one day after about a year of doing this, I was like, “Well, maybe we could offer this as a service and offer outsourcing and virtual assistant services, customer service to US companies and global companies to save them a lot of money.” And that was the idea and quite frankly, we’ve failed a few times before we figured it out.
But eventually we did dial it in. Today, we have over 550 employees at 123Employee. We anticipate it being close to 1,000 employees by the end of the year. And we work with entrepreneurs all over the planet. Some of the biggest thought leaders like you, and we do all the busy stuff in their business, internet marketing, social media, telemarketing, back office tasks, virtual assistant services, customer service, all the busy stuff in their business so they can focus on the income–generating activities in the business and things that really juice them and excite them. Our mission at 123Employee is to rescue lifestyle starved entrepreneurs, give them their time back and their lives back. And we love doing it.
John DeBevoise:What I have discovered with the virtual assistance is that you give individuals specific tasks. I can contact you and say, “Hey, I want somebody to do the LinkedIn or Facebook.” And that’s their focus. And I can limit my expenditures by them being skilled in those sets. So, I appreciate the virtual assistance and with you, you can have one or a buffet of services. And I like that, and I love that business model, and I would imagine that the unfortunate aspects of COVID played into people needing your services even more.
Daven Michaels:It didn’t start like that. So what happened was when COVID hit, some of our biggest clients, all of our biggest clients started cutting back their staff dramatically. I’m talking by 90% and when that happened, of course, we got real scared and we kind of went into war mode. Like, “Okay, we see what’s coming down the pike. This could be catastrophic for our business. How can we mitigate our risk and come up with other ways to innovate and generate more revenue?” And that’s what happened during the first couple weeks. Thankfully, what was very interesting is that most of our clients are entrepreneurs. Most of our clients are small businesses, and so we were forced to innovate, but still were there. And so, so many of our clients came back bigger and stronger than ever. I’ll give you one example. One of our clients, they were in the E–Com and their biggest product was drones.
They sold thousands of drones a day. And all of a sudden that business died. They cut back by 90%. Well, they’ve pivoted and all of a sudden they were shipping disinfectants, masks, and so on and so forth. Their business skyrocketed and as a result, they quadrupled the amount of staff they had with us. It was wonderful. Believe it or not, this year will be our best year ever. I feel terrible for the smaller service businesses that are going to lose everything, and there’s so many mom and pops that they’ve been struggling for… They have this business that just sort of keeps them afloat for the last decade or decades and now they’re going to lose that business. So I feel really terrible about that and I’m very concerned about that, but our business is going to thrive this year. But it could have gone a totally different direction.
John DeBevoise:My sentiments exactly on small business, because that’s my audience and we wish them all well. And here at Bizness Soup, like we’re doing right now, we’re helping them to find ways to pivot and 123Employee is one of those where you can save money and make it at the same time because you don’t have the employee problem.
Daven Michaels:You made a good point. There’s a lot of benefits to having a virtual staff. Okay, so of course it’s less expensive. Yes, they can be specialized. Yes, there’s accountability. But also it’s, you don’t have Workman’s Comp, you don’t have to pay all those extra taxes. You don’t have to pay for the internet or the computers or the office space. The list goes on and on. There’s so many benefits and I’ll tell you, I know what’s going to happen. A lot of these mom and pops that are going to shut down, they’re going to be forced to innovate too.
And I think what we’re going to see is we’re going to see a massive decline in small businesses, but we’re going to see a massive increase of people starting things from home, starting service businesses, and they’re going to need staff. They’re not going to want that staff working from their office or their home. They’re going to want a virtual staff and they’re going to want it to be inexpensive and they’re going to want it to be on their terms and 123Employee, we definitely fill that bill. We’re excited about that.
John DeBevoise:You have some big announcement coming up here and I am honored that you’re sharing it here on Bizness Soup. So, drum roll Daven Michaels from 123Employee, you have a big announcement, sir. What is that announcement?
Daven Michaels:I do. And thanks, John. Honestly, this big announcement wouldn’t be possible without you, one of our sponsors. So I thank you for being on board, but my partner, Chad Nicely and I, we really wanted to help entrepreneurs. I told you how concerned I am about these entrepreneurs that are potentially going to lose their business and I know we’re going to see a massive surge in micro partnership. They’re going to end up having to reinvent themselves and they may be starting over. They may have to start a home–based business, something that doesn’t have the overhead of a shop or a restaurant or something like that. I totally get that. And so, we decided to do something really big. We like to do big things. And so, we decided that we want to empower 10,000 future entrepreneurs all over the globe.
So we’re going to be doing it on a three day live masterclass that will take place online and we will do this for three evenings where we will actually take over 10,000 people and we’re going to work with those people over the course of three days to show them how to start their own online business. And by the end of these three days, this is our big bold promise, you will actually have all the tools you need to start your own online business, whether you’ve had a business before or whether you’re a novice. And because of our wonderful sponsors, just like you, John, you’re actually going to be able to attend for free because John is, as a sponsor, he gets free tickets and you can literally register for those free online tickets. The website is That’s for a three day live masterclass.
And the masterclass begins September 28th. It takes place in the evenings. So you still have your days. We’ll start at 6:00 PM PST. That’s 9:00 PM EST, so even if you have a J–O–B, you can come to the three day masterclass and it’s going to take place Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, September 28th, 29th and 30th. It’s online. It’s at 6:00 PM PST, 9:00 PM EST. And you can get free tickets by simply going to
And like I said, at the end of those three days, you will have all the tools necessary to have your own online business. And what’s interesting is that because it’s three days, we were able to make this experiential. So we will actually be working with everybody to create their business. They will actually be generating leads online that will attract their first customer online. They’ll be doing all of this themselves during those three days. So you won’t just be learning, you’ll be doing. It will be a momentous event. I guarantee you, it’s like nothing you’ve ever attended before. And by the time we wrap it up, we’re going to have 10 to 20,000 businesses across the globe. I’m really excited about it.
John DeBevoise:Well, you’ve been busy out there in the desert. And backing up just a few moments when you say a mastermind class, that comes from Napoleon Hill and his speaking about surrounding yourself with like–minded people who help you grow your business, you help them grow theirs. And so you’re going to have 10,000 or more of these people. This is going to be quite the checkerboard here. Is it a Zoom call?
Daven Michaels:It’s not a Zoom call because Zoom can’t handle that kind of capacity. The whole will actually take place on live stream. Live stream, people broadcast concerts on live stream. So this will be our own private business rock concert, if you will. But also what’s really cool is we gamified the whole process, because Chad and I, we’re not just educators, we’re edutainers. And so we’ve gamified the entire process. So you’ll even find that when you register, it’s unlike nothing you’ve ever registered for before. So what happens is when you first registered for the masterclass, you will be immediately brought into our membership. And if you simply put in your phone number so that we can text you prior to the event, you’ll actually get upgrade to the VIP membership. And once you come to the membership, our concept is your business doesn’t start on the 28th, your business starts right now.
And so what happens is you’ll find a series of exercises and you’ll take those exercises to prep you for the masterclass. And when you do, we will reward you with points and badges and actual physical rewards. You’ll actually win all kinds of cool prizes. We’re giving away over $12,000 in prizes pre–event. Also, everybody that shows up to the masterclass and goes through the entire masterclass will get a free vacation upon graduation, which is really cool. So what happens is we’re giving them a three night, four day vacation. We take care of the hotel. They pick the area of their choice. It’s big name, brand hotels and you may be wondering, “Well, how the heck can you afford to do that for 10, 20,000 people?” And I’ll explain.
So what’s pretty interesting is hotels know their occupancy. And they know that there are certain times when their occupancy is low and rather than have those rooms be vacant, they give them to us and we give them to our attendees of the masterclass. And they do that because they know that, “Hey, if you’re going to come, yeah, you get a free hotel room, but you’ll spend money at their restaurants and spa, and so on and so forth.” And so everyone that completes the masterclass will get one of these vacations. They’re valued at $800 to $1,000. So everybody wins. We’re making it fun. It’s a blast. You’re going to learn. You’re going to do, and you’re going to start your new business and it starts right now.
John DeBevoise:Well, let’s talk about the new business. Let’s just say that I have an idea for, say an online business, an eCommerce site. So let’s say I want to create an eCommerce site. Am I going to get answers to that at this mastermind meeting?
Daven Michaels:So the answer to that honestly, John, is yes and no. So let me explain. So we’re going to be walking everybody through one business model and what that business model is going to be is selling leads or selling traffic to businesses. That’s what we’re going to teach people how to do. So this is for everybody that has no idea what they want to do, right? They know they want to create a business or a side hustle, and we’re going to walk them through one specific model. But, let’s say that they did have an interest in starting an E–Com business. Well, I’m always amazed, and again, I picked this up from speaking all over the globe, at how many people start businesses, but they have no idea how they’re going to get traffic or leads for that business. And I believe that if you can dial in the marketing in your business, if you have a ton of leads coming through the door, if your bank accounts are overflowing with money, then you could probably buy yourself out of just about any challenge you face in your business today.
And so on the masterclass, we’re going to show everyone how to generate the leads online. So if they want to use our business model, we highly suggest they do because we’ll hold their hand and walk them through the process, but maybe they have another idea of what they want to do. Maybe they want to start an E–Com business, maybe they want to sell their art online. Maybe they want to do, who knows what. No matter what that business is, they’re going to need leads and traffic to fuel that business and on the masterclass where I show them how to do that.
John DeBevoise:That leads into one of my favorite mantras is that distribution is the most important part of a business because without it you’ve got nothing. It doesn’t matter how good your product or service is, if nobody knows you exist, you will sell nothing.
Daven Michaels:So true. I mean, you have a fantastic show, but if you didn’t have distribution, nobody would know about it.
John DeBevoise:Yeah, just the guy in the mirror.
Daven Michaels:That’s right.
John DeBevoise:Through this masterclass, which is available through my website there at Biz Soup, where business comes for business. You can get free tickets to this mastermind class and you will grab us by the hand and you will, in essence, what I call drag us across the finish line and help you build a business, because what you’re teaching us, as I understand it, is that you’re teaching us the ability to get distribution. And that is through getting leads, contacts that can drive traffic to whatever website or business you choose to take the place of the one that perhaps you lost or something that you wanted to build from your own idea from between those ears.
Daven Michaels:Yeah, absolutely. There’s a ton of people that are sitting at home right now and either they’ve lost their job, lost their business, or they’ve managed to hang on to their job or business, but they realize that things are much more volatile than we thought. And we don’t have the security that we thought we had, right? All it takes is a pandemic. That’s so bizarre, but all it takes is a pandemic to take everything down.
And so, it’s time that you’re in control of your destiny. And so, whether you managed to survive this, brave this or not, you’ve got to be in control of your own destiny. And the only way to do that is to have your own business. And if you can have a business that is virtual, a business that you can run from anywhere on the planet, you can run it when you want to on your own terms, well, I think that is as bullet–proof as you can be in today’s world. To actually have a business that you can from anywhere all over the planet, all you need is a laptop and cell phone. It’s all online. And basically if you’re in the lead gen business, you’re basically selling water to humans, right? It’s something that all businesses need. So it really is a huge win, triple win for sure. And I just can’t wait to empower 10 to 20,000 new entrepreneurs. It’s just going to be mind blowing.
John DeBevoise:Well, and in one of my own little plugs here that I keep telling everybody they should have their own home based business. Doesn’t matter what it is. It can be anything. As long as you have it, you treat it as a business and you can take advantage of the tax code. You don’t have to learn it, just know how to use it as I’ve been teaching and preaching for 20 years on how to use the tax code to convert ordinary expenses to deductions. So get a plan and fill it out and join in on this meeting that Daven is offering to our listeners here at Biz Soup.
Daven Michaels:Absolutely, John, and at the end of the day, it’s not how much money you make. As you know, it’s how much money you keep and invest. And you don’t want to be working all the time just to pay the government, right? You want to be paying yourself. I mean, I personally, as you know, I’m in Vegas for the launch and I used to live here in Vegas and I did that to get rid of the state tax, but as you know now I live in Puerto Rico, because we pay almost no tax, which is… It’s not my only reason for living in Puerto Rico, but it’s certainly a huge, huge benefit. And when I can spend 96% of the year working for myself and only 4% working for the federal government, that’s a huge, huge win. But the first step is, of course, having your own business, because you can write things off and you can put money in your pocket as opposed to giving everything to the man, if you will.
John DeBevoise:That’s right. Daven Michaels, he is the founder of 123Employee, making a special offer right there at Biz Soup. And we invite you to get some free tickets to a mastermind. It’s a three day event coming up and I appreciate you announcing it. Again, that link to the free tickets is–
John DeBevoise:Go to Biz Soup. All the information, including the transcript and the links to everything that you need to know, not only about this mastermind, but business to business. And so light up the internet with your own business, take advantage of the opportunity. There’s many ways to come out of this pandemic and one of them is self–employed. Daven and his group will hand walk you, show you how to complete a business model and be in business through their three day event. I’m honored and I’m very touched that you’re announcing it right here on Biz Soup, where business comes for business.
Daven, thanks so much for making that announcement and thanks for being a part of Bizness Soup.
Daven Michaels:Thanks for having me.
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