Improving Your Physical and Mental Well Being with Clar8ty
A discussion with health expert Robin Hoffman Haack
059 - Robin Hoffman Haack
As a teenager, I couldn’t have predicted that a decision at age 16 to become a vegetarian would have a major impact on the goals I set for myself decades later. As a health conscious person and one who loves to exercise, I’ve been Vegan and Gluten-free for more than 20 years.
My life has revolved around my daughter and my family’s business, where I am CFO. Although I love our business I was always yearning for something that aligned with my passion for health.
The inescapable headlines in the media about how adults and kids being prescribed meds for every little thing had now become the new normal. With childhood diseases on the rise, it was scary and difficult for me to envision having healthy grandchildren in our world.
I was compelled to take action and do something because I knew there had to be a better way. This was my Ah-ha moment “What if I could start a company with a product that could take the guess work out of creating optimum health for kids and adults?”
As fate would have it, through my constant work and assembling the right team that was aligned with my mission we were able to launch Clar8ty with our flagship product Calibr8. It was developed based on the latest findings in nutrigenomics and cell science by targeting sources of dysfunction rather than signs or symptoms. I knew I had to educate people to make the right choices to take control of their health and give them the tools to achieve optimum health, success and find their pure potential!

Talking Points
- A vegetarian Lifestyle at 16
- Building a Business with Passion and Purpose
- Expanding the Business to Include People of All Ages
John DeBevoise:
Greetings, everyone, and welcome to another serving of Bizness Soup Talk Radio. If it’s in business, it’s Bizness Soup. I’m your host, John DeBevoise. Today at the table, we have a long time horse friend of mine Robin Hoffman. She grew up in an entrepreneur family. Her grandfather started her family business that was instrumental in the formation of the Hawaiian shirt look. Well, being the entrepreneur, she decided she was going to do something on her own. She saw a problem. She identified it, and she wanted to help people be healthy. So sit on down, pull up a chair, we are having a health serving of Bizness Soup with Robin Hoffman and her company Clar8ty.
Robin, welcome to this serving of Bizness Soup.
Robin Hoffman H…:Hello. Thank you.
John DeBevoise:Robin, you and I in our history of growing up in the same childhood environment, we go back one or more decades at least. Back to what our generation would affectionately call the golden age of the horse show circuit where it was such fun and we showed on the A circuit, which some of my audience knows, those were the horses and the competitors who were the elites. It’s a pleasure to have you on my program and it was always a pleasure to be going in circles with you in the arena.
Robin Hoffman H…:Yeah. Thank you, John. Those were the golden ages, weren’t they?
John DeBevoise:Yes. And I often refer to the fact that I’ve been going in circles all my life. That was just one example of it. So you, like myself and so many people, were brought up in an entrepreneurial family. Yours happened to start almost 100 years ago in the Hoffman fabric industry or the fabric industry, which came to be known as the Hoffman California Fabrics. Now tell us a little bit about how you were brought up in that environment and how you worked your way into it. And then we’ll get into your entrepreneurship.
Robin Hoffman H…:Yeah. So my grandfather started Hoffman Woolens actually back in 1924.
John DeBevoise:And that was Rube Hoffman as I understand. [crosstalk] Yeah, Rube.
Robin Hoffman H…:That’s correct. Up in Los Angeles. He had been though actually from New York but was living in Los Angeles, started the company, and then he had two boys. My dad being one of them. And when my dad was old enough and he was in the Navy and stations over in Hawaii, he had always been a surfer, and he was over there. He loved surfing as much as just being in the Navy, so it was a perfect combination. He came back to my grandfather and said, “We really need to bring in Hawaiian prints.” So my dad actually was instrumental in the Hawaiian print shirts brought into the United States, and those prints being… Or actually into California, not the United States because Hawaii’s in the United States. But into California to where then he was instrumental in developing a lot of the surf board companies with some of the owners of the brands back in the early ’80s.
But anyway, we got into Hawaiian print industry, but then we also got into the quilting industry where we’re huge manufacturer of quilting fabrics. So it’s changed over the years obviously from woolens to different fabrics. Over 96 years, we’ve pretty much printed and designed prints for all sorts of textiles.
John DeBevoise:So the Hawaiian prints that all of us guys like to wear that we get from so many different stores and outlets, we can trace that back to the Hoffman California fabrics.
Robin Hoffman H…:Pretty much. I mean, we were instrumental back in the day in Ocean Pacific and Hobbies and Quicksilver’s first prints and Billabong. I could go on and on with different names. Hang Ten and all of them. My dad was involved with and doing prints for back years and years and years ago, before I was ever involved in the business. So I remember when I was growing up and showing horses, I didn’t see much of my dad because our company was in Los Angeles and we lived in Capistrano. So he’d be on the train every day commuting back and forth to LA to work.
John DeBevoise:On the Amtrak, what they now call the surfer.
Robin Hoffman H…:Surf line.
John DeBevoise:Surf line. Yes. You’ve been involved in that business. You grew up in it, and you became a chief financial officer. And then like your grandfather, you had this entrepreneurial spirit, and you decided, “You know what, I’m going to do something on my own.” What was that aha moment that made you think that, “You know what, I’m going to do something,” and what problem were you looking at solving?
Robin Hoffman H…:Well, just to take you back a little bit, before I got into the family business, I was selling fabric for a while while I was still showing and training horses, and that was in my early 20s. So I was an entrepreneur back then in starting showing horses for a living for many years but selling fabric. But then things changed in my life and I moved back from Texas to California, and that’s when I came and started working at the family business. And after about 10 years of being here, I then took on the position as CFO and have been that for many, many years now because I’ve been here over 25 years.
But looking back when I decided to start my own business, it was when my daughter was going off to college. I love our family business, and I’m here every day. But I just had a feeling that came to me that I wanted to make more of an impact in people’s lives. I’ve always been very health conscious. And growing up as a horse person, I went outdoors and athletic all the time and staying in shape and everything. And then also, I don’t know if you knew this, but I was a vegetarian at the age of 16. And I haven’t had meat since, even though it was just a kid thing of why I did it. It had nothing to do with cattle or horses or anything being beef and so forth. So I’ve been always very health conscious. I’ve been vegan and gluten free for 30 plus years.
So I just had this ambition to start my own company with a health product for children and adults. So just started looking at what it would take because I love educating people about health and how the body can heal itself. And with the right supplements, you can really help the body regenerate.
John DeBevoise:So that was your idea was because of your background as being a vegetarian, and yes, I knew that. So you and I would sit down at the same table. We’d just be ordering from different menus. I’m the cattle rancher. Nevertheless, you found a place in your life to be a vegetarian and vegan, and then you decided that you were going to advance that concept into a business. And that business became what is known as Clar8ty. And I ran into you not long ago at a movie premier, and there you were set up with your products Clar8ty and I knew nothing about it.
In every business, there’s what I call the five points. My audience knows these. The idea of the plan, the people, the execution, and the solution. So you had this idea you were going to help give people a quality product that was health for them, and you came up with a product. Your first product was known as Calibr8. What was the process that you had once you had the idea to get to deploying a product?
Robin Hoffman H…:Yeah. So that was a process, wasn’t it?
John DeBevoise:It always is.
Robin Hoffman H…:Yup. Have the idea and then where do you start? So I started just reaching out to some people I knew, and one thing lead to another. And this one fellow lead me to a doctor and a manufacturing facility. And then there I lead to another fellow that was a product developer. And I was lead to some consultants that had started some health companies before and some branding. And I knew I wanted the name Clar8ty, so I had that in my mind at least. And they helped me brand it. And then I started working with this product developer, and he’s very into the latest science and what’s going on in the world of health and epigenetics and all these crazy words that I knew nothing about but over time I learned.
John DeBevoise:Well, you just said one I wasn’t familiar with. What was that epigenetics?
Robin Hoffman H…:Epigenetics.
John DeBevoise:Epi.
Robin Hoffman H…:E–P–I genetics. It’s over genetics. It’s working with your genes.
John DeBevoise:Okay.
Robin Hoffman H…:So anyway, we just worked together for a couple years developing our first product, like you said, is Calibr8, and it works with your cells and reboots your cells so the body can heal itself. So it’s very cutting edge science, but took a long time for me to really grasp it. And we try not to overwhelm people with science. But does the product work? And you take it daily and it really helps with your body.
But getting to the process was getting a team together, getting some consultants that were experienced in the field and leading me down the right path and getting the right team together.
John DeBevoise:Reading from your website your mission statement, which says, “We aim at improving the physical and mental wellbeing of each individual with our holistic approach to wellness. Our cutting edge products reboot your cells and offer a shield of defense against the harmful frequencies in today’s environment.” That last sentence caught my attention, the harmful frequencies. Are we talking about those frequencies that you see and can’t see, or the way in which we conduct our habits of frequencies of doing or not doing things?
Robin Hoffman H…:More the harmful frequencies that you can’t see that are bombarding our body every day, like radiation, EMFs, and things like that. So you really have to keep your immune system boasted and your cells strong because every disease and ailment starts with an unhealthy cell. So that’s where the science comes in to working with your cells. So I’m glad that caught your attention. It’s very important because we are bombarded daily, and just breathing the air. And like I said, the EMFs from all the wifi devices and your–
John DeBevoise:EMF is, as we’ve talked about with the implementation and distribution of 5G. EMF is the electromagnetic frequencies, microwaves. So we are bombarded from your water meter to your electric meter to the wifi that’s in your house. There are EMFs all around us, and so you are developing a product that will basically strengthen the cells within your body to fend off not only the EMFs but basically every other thing that wants to invade your body. And you did that with something called Calibr8. Do tell. How does that work?
Robin Hoffman H…:Well, we also have a scientist that we worked with for years that she has been in the industry of helping people mitigate the EMF, and she is the queen of that industry and very well known in the industry of scalar energy and bio scalar energy. So she actually infuses our product with that energy, and it’s a little bit hard to understand. We all have our own energy, correct? Like your voice. Everybody. You have your own energy. I have my own energy. That’s how you can tell someone’s voice is we’re all individual. So our products are plant based. So each individual ingredient has its own energy. So when she infuses it, and this is in very layman’s terms because I’m not a scientist or a biophysicist. But when she infuses that product and the ingredients, it makes the ingredients all harmonize and work together as opposed to fighting against each other. So it just makes the product way strong so it can get deeper into the cell as opposed to having trouble getting into the cell and harmonizing with your body.
John DeBevoise:That sounds kind of hocus pocus. How do you infuse energy into something that I’m going to drink?
Robin Hoffman H…:Because just like we are cells and are like I want to say a battery where we get charged up by sleep, by the food we eat, you’re charging your body and getting energy, right?
John DeBevoise:Sure.
Robin Hoffman H…:So scalar energy is from our Earth, and she has a way… It’s just like Tesla, she works with Tesla coils and all of that for years. And so she has a way of harnessing the scalar energy and can infuse that into products. And don’t ask me how because I’m not the biophysicist and I don’t have all the studies or the initials behind my name. And she has clinical studies from Nassau and everything on her science with all the clinical studies done behind it. But it definitely works.
John DeBevoise:We’re talking with Robin Hoffman Haack from the business called Clar8ty. Now Clar8ty is a company that you developed that was your concept. You created the idea, the plan. You got the people, including your biophysicist, is that it? Did I get–
Robin Hoffman H…:Uh-huh (affirmative).
John DeBevoise:Biophysicist. It’s one of those big words. And you have to get it out there, and as I talk about distribution is the most important part of any business because without it, you’ve got nothing. So you create this great product known as Calibr8 as your first product. Now you have to get it out there. You choose a direct marketing program. Why a direct marketing program for this product?
Robin Hoffman H…:Just because I love the fact of educating people, and when you’re in direct sales or affiliate marketing, you have the people that are explaining the products and sharing the products with their friends. I don’t think there’s anything better than getting someone you trust to share something with you and share the benefits and the results that they’ve seen from the product as opposed to just a product sitting on a shelf in a store.
John DeBevoise:What you’ve done is that you choose to get say a room full of people, just to break it down into the simplest form, and you educate them on what the product does, and you give them the opportunity. So basically through this type of marketing is that I can sell to friends, family, and anyone else, and I would not only make money on the sale of that, but then on the sale of any other product that they might sell.
Robin Hoffman H…:Yes. Mm-hmm (affirmative).
John DeBevoise:That’s how it works. Now folks, this is not a sales pitch. But I’m always telling everybody to have their own home based business. It doesn’t matter what it is. Mine’s horses and cattle. You may not want to be next door to me after it rains. But you know what, it all smells like money to me. I’ve known Robin for a long time and she has a company that she created that’s known as Clar8ty. You can check them out on the website, which is available through our link right there at Bizness Soup where you’re listening to this podcast as we speak.
So Robin, there we were at a theater. You’re standing there next to a line of products. First one you came out with was Calibr8, and that, as you say, helps to enhance my cells through the chemistry that you put into the products and such. Obviously this is not going to be an overnight feeling that I’m going to get. It’s got to be something like systemic. So it builds up. Over what period of time will I start seeing or feeling anything that this product, this Calibr8 that I’d be taking give me?
Robin Hoffman H…:Because it is powerful and starts working immediately on your body, and it gets rid of inflammation and supports that and gives you mental clarity. Some people start feeling a difference within two days.
John DeBevoise:Two days. And what kind of difference are they starting to feel?
Robin Hoffman H…:A lot of them feel more clarity, more awake, brighter, more focus. The longer you’re on it, the more your body when you rid the body of inflammation and toxicity in the body, then you start seeing differences like not feeling stressed, no more joint pain, no more stomach issues, sleeping better. I have more energy. This one woman came to my mind, and she goes, “Now I have four hours more in my day,” because she’s not going to bed as early, and she’s waking up earlier and feeling better. So she has more time in her day.
John DeBevoise:Well, sleep is an important issue. If it can help people sleep better without giving them nightmares or complications in their sleep, that’s huge. That in of itself is quite valuable. If someone was to buy that and consume it, is it a drink, is it kind of like a protein powder?
Robin Hoffman H…:It is a powder, and you just mix it with water and you drink it daily. I drink it first thing every morning. It taste like berry, but it has nothing artificial in it. So it’s like a berry Kool–Aid I want to say, that type of texture.
John DeBevoise:Well, I grew up with Kool–Aid. I’m sure it’s not the same ingredients though.
Robin Hoffman H…:No.
John DeBevoise:So it’s not gritty like–
Robin Hoffman H…:No.
John DeBevoise:When I was young and I would take the protein power, it was always… Oh my gosh, it’s like drinking chalk.
Robin Hoffman H…:No, not like that at all.
John DeBevoise:All right. So now you developed something called Calibr8, and you take that on a daily basis. And in your case, you drink it every morning. Now you’ve expanded your product line. What did it go into, and what kind of problems that I might have or my audience might have would these products solve?
Robin Hoffman H…:We have a product called Activ8 Biome because now in today’s world of science, they’re finding that… And I’m sure most of you have heard that your gut is your second brain. So your gut health is very important with everything they’re finding, whether it be your immune system, your hormones, the gut brain access, brain trauma. It all is steaming from the gut. So the Activ8 Biome actually restores your gut, and I’m sure most of you have heard of probiotics. It is a form of probiotics. But it’s sporebiotics, which are millions of times more powerful because they are spore based to where they get into the intestine where it can do the job to restore the good bacteria and get rid of the bad bacteria in your gut. So that is a key product. So many people mix that product also with the Calibr8 because it’s odorless, tasteless, ad it’s also a powder. So those are two key products that we have.
John DeBevoise:This and other products came along as a result of you launched the first product, and that was Calibr8. Did you have in mind when you created the first product that all of these would fall into place, or did they come along as another ahas?
Robin Hoffman H…:Yeah. It was more getting to know this microbiologist that is really on the forefront of what’s the latest and greatest. So he’s the one that speaks all over the world on sporebiotics. So we were connected with him. So we really wanted to get that out there when we realized how important it is for people’s health.
John DeBevoise:Getting back to the business of the business of Calibr8. You chose this type of marketing program to distribute the product. How has distribution been?
Robin Hoffman H…:It’s been great. My favorite part is seeing the testimonials that come in and seeing the impact it’s making in people’s health.
John DeBevoise:So you’re getting a lot of repeat business.
Robin Hoffman H…:Oh yeah. Mm-hmm (affirmative). We have people that have been on the product for six year, since we started.
John DeBevoise:You started this six years ago.
Robin Hoffman H…:Mm-hmm (affirmative).
John DeBevoise:You’ve been doing this quite some time then.
Robin Hoffman H…:Yes.
John DeBevoise:I know from my own personal experience that up until just a decade ago I thought pizza was at the top of the food chain. I didn’t realize what I was eating, and I also have come to learn, as we’ve all learned, that the school systems are teaching our children to be dependent upon what is the corporate food chain. They’ve taken away the school cafeteria, which wasn’t great in and of itself. But now it’s like Monday McDonald’s, Tuesday’s Taco Bell. Each day is a different product. How does it help the children of today if I was to give it to a child, which mine are all grown up? Would it help them in overcoming the challenges of childhood obesity, Type 2 Diabetes? Can it help them as well?
Robin Hoffman H…:You hit it right the nail in the head in my passion for why I started this. I said my daughter was going off to college, but the key thing too was wanting to make an impact because I could just see at that point how our world is getting so sick and children so sick. And I want to have healthy grandchildren some day. And so we do have the children’s Calibr8, but also the Activ8 Biome because like you said, kids are so unhealthy and so many children have gut issues. And so many children are… If they’re not obese, many are overweight, and many children have learning issues and focus problems. And it’s all steaming from the gut in all the processed foods.
And just like you said, the processed foods are killing us and the preservatives in food. And that is where kids nowadays don’t eat a healthy diet and no living food. They’re eating all this processed junk. So that’s where the Calibr8 and the Activ8 Biome are so key in helping children. I can go on and on with mother’s that have told us how the product has changed their children’s life. It’s changed their family’s life because the kids are more calm. They can focus. They’re not fighting with their brothers and sisters. They’re feeling better, and kids ask for the product because kids don’t care what’s on the label or read what’s on the label. It’s just out of their own body wanting the product because they feel better when they drink it.
John DeBevoise:We’re talking with Robin Hoffman Haack form Calibr8. Being brought up in an entrepreneurial family, she came up with an idea to help and solve a problem and that is we’ve been talking about the health of not only your brain but your body in overcoming the challenges that are the elements within our lifestyle. There’s quite a bit that’s out there that is polluting us, and we can see some of it. We don’t see all of it.
And Robin, there’s so much more I could go with and discuss with you about this. It’s fascinating product, and I wish you the best in distribution.
For more information about Robin and her business, go to Biz Soup where business comes for business. That’s B–I–Z S–O–U–P. Robin, thank you so much for joining us from Clar8ty and the Hoffman California Fabrics on this serving of Bizness Soup.
Robin Hoffman H…:Thank you, John.
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